Passports of roads

Is missing in your city, village passport of local roads, traffic signs, street lighting or facilities. To solve this issue, we are here to help.

We do passport survey of local and dedicated roads always in accordance with the Act no. 13/1997 Coll. on roads and its implementing Decree no. 104/1997 Coll. of Ministry of Transport and Communications.
Before creating a passport, we are always targeting the actual state of service local and purpose-build roads by combining mobile mapping system, see Fig. 1 and classical geodetic measurements by errant in the field.
The value added of created passport is that can reveal the conflict between the actual status targeted in the field and the registered status in Real Estate Cadastre. We always do carry out the comparision after targeting and graphical processing of all stakeholders communications.
This comparison will allow contracting authority to resolve conflict situations where the actual status doesn’ match the one in Cadastral map. See Fig. 2

Picture 1 – Mobile mapping system of issuing geodetic data with an accuracy of class 3

Figure No. 2 – Illustrative examples of compliance and non-compliance real course of the road with the state registration cadastre of Real Estates after geodetic targeting.

The company GIS-STAVINVEX a.s. offers:
– The current raid of all car available communications by mobile mapping system
– Implementation of panoramic views from this approach with step of 3-4 meters into municipal / urban information system
– From the recorded raid in combination with traditional geodetic measurements we will create a graphic output of all stakeholders roads or other objects in a format which can be inserted into your running information system. This graphic output can then serve as the a base for the possible creation of digital technical map of the village or town (DTM)
- Passport of local roads
- Passport of purpose-build roads
- Passport of sidewalks along local and isolated roads
- Passport of vertical traffic signs (including photographic documentation of the current status)
- Passport of horizontal road marking
- Passport of storm drains on local roads
- Passport of ditches and gutters along local roads
- Passport of bridges and culverts along local roads
- Passport of Public lighting
- Passport municipal / urban facilities
- Passport of container stalls
- Passport of parking lots and parking spaces
- Passport of cycle trails